Read NSPPD Devotional for today Here. Start your day believing that “What God cannot do, does not exist” as you receive and believe the prophetic words of faith, and power geared at making you a total man of Dominion, excellence and godliness. Streams of Joy devotional for today is your heart-moulding choice for daily triumph. Read now!
“He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.”
That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional today.
Our Focal Scripture speaks of Jesus’ description of John the Baptist as a burning and shining light. Notice that this light that was to shine, was also going to burn. It was not a burning light that was intended to go down. It was a light that was intended to shine and burn all at once. It was that light that was built to attract attention even in the wilderness, but it was also meant to burn and consume. It was to combine burning with shining.
Friend, for every shining that God brings your way this year, commit yourself to more burning. For every favour God brings your way, ensure that you burn on an even higher level. For every time God shows you mercy, don’t enjoy the shining and forget the burning. For every time that men applaud you, don’t only seek to enjoy the applause; seek to increase your burning. Let the increased attention of men on you make you crave for more fire.
Notice that when God appeared to Moses out of the fire, Moses noticed that the flames set the bush on fire, but the fire was not waning. God’s idea of a burning and shining light is that whilst you are shining, your fire that keeps you burning must not even go lower than it ever was. This year, as you shine, don’t lower your prayer fire; don’t reduce your consecration; don’t minimize your walk with God; don’t burn less than you used to burn.
In 2023, don’t be too concerned about how much you are able to shine; be more concerned about how much you are able to burn. Be more interested in how much fire you have in your inner man. Be more concerned about the divine deposits in you. Be more concerned on your current status before God, not your current perception before men. Crave more for heaven’s fire, over and above shining and gaining the applause of men.
Remember, as you shine, also burn. As you gain the applause of men, also seek to gain heaven’s approval.
John 1: 4-5 says: “4. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”
Declare With Me: My fire level is going higher in 2023; I will burn, and I will shine, in Jesus’ name!