RCCG Sunday School Teacher’s Manual 7 November 2021 Lesson 10 – Dynamics of Prayer.


TOPIC: Dynamics of Prayer

OPENING PRAYER: Pray to God to guide you on how to pray aright.

BIBLE PASSAGE: Philippians 4:6-7
[6]Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
[7]And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

MEMORY VERSE: James 5:16.

“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”


Simply put, prayer is talking to God; it is our way of communicating our thoughts, needs, and desires to Him. Prayer is an avenue that God has provided for us as believers to make known the deepest feelings of our hearts to Him. The Bible has many things to say about the subject of prayer. For the purpose of this study, we shall group prayers into levels, types and categories.

TEXT REVIEW: Philipplans 4:6-2
In his admonition, the Apostle Paul told the Philippian believers (and invariably believers of all ages and nations):

A. That they should be careful for nothing.
B. That everything in prayer, by prayer ….V6b
C. That the God of peace
i. which………. V7
ii. shall………….V7.
iii. through…………V7.



A. From the biblical point of view, prayers
can be of various types.
i. Prayers of: Thanksgiving (Ps.104).
ii. Praise (Ps.34:1).
iii. Worship (Ps.18:1-2 John 4:23-24).
iv. Supplications which is a prayer of pleading particularly by a sinner who is repenting
(1Kgs 8:46-50).
v. Intercession that is, pleading for someone
else (Num.14:11-21).

B. The levels of prayer are:
i. Prayer of demand as found in Matthew 6:9-11
ii. Prayer of command (Isa.45:11).
iii. Prayer of decree (Job 22:28) as demonstrated by Elijah in 1 Kings 17:1. A decree is a kind of prayer we pray to challenge all those who are trying to block our ways (2 Kgs 1:9-12; Acts 13:6-12).

C. All these prayers are useful to believers depending on their state of mind, situations being addressed, leading of the Holy Spirit, etc.

D. As Christians, we must put our faith in the God who answers prayers and not on our supposed prayer skills’

CLASS ACTIVITY 1: Class should discuss why it seems difficult for some believers to pray.


1. Prayer can also be in categories.

A. Casual prayers are those regular prayers we pray daily. These include the usual thanksgiving in the morning, blessing the name of the Lord (Ps.103:1-5) and the prayer we pray when we want to eat, travel etc.

B. Prayers that controls the Heavens (Josh 10:10-12). This is the kind of prayer we should be praying when age is dropping on us and we have not fulfilled our purpose.

C. Prayers that bring Angels down to do our bidding (Dan.6:20-22; Acts 12:5-11).

D. Prayers that can bring God Himself down (Dan.3:16-17; 24-25).

E. Prayer that will cause us to fly (Gen.32:24-28, Gen.33:1-6).
i. Jacob prayed and flew’ from fear to peace,
from death to life, from rejection to acceptance, he prayed and all of a sudden the storm in his life became permanently still.
ii. The kind of prayer that will cause us to fly is the kind of prayer that cannot wait till tomorrow.

If you have not surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, please do so now urgently so
that you will be able to pray and God will hear
i. Ask Him to save your soul,
ii. Promise Him you will be committed too
Him and Him alone.
ii. Then, your prayers can attract heavenly
CLASS ACTIVITY 2: Class should discuss any category of prayers they have engaged in and share its result.


Different situations require different prayers. Be dynamic.


To every believer who willing to pray, God is waiting to answer.


Students should mention some categories of prayer they know.


Father, please accompany my prayers with mighty testimonies in Jesus’ name.


Raise a prayer point under each of the five (5) categories of prayer.

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