Jahdiel Grace Benjamin is a contemporary Nigerian gospel singer, songwriter and vocalist, Chemist and artist. She professionally began her music career in 2006. She is one Gospel music Minister who is married to a Gospel Music Minister, his name is Benjamin Emmanuel. Please scroll down to discover more about Jahdiel’s background, career, awards, albums and lots more.

Biography of Jahdiel
Biography of Jahdiel


Jahdiel’s Early Life and Background

Grace Jahdiel Okoduwa, was born on November 26, 1986, and raised in Nigeria, where she spent her formative years cultivating her deep passion for music and faith. She had her primary and secondary school education at Aunty Ayo International School, Ikoyi, Lagos, before proceeding to further her education by obtaining a BSc degree in Chemistry at the university of Lagos.

From a young age, she exhibited a profound connection to gospel music, which would later become her life’s calling. She was called Jahdiel, which means ‘Jehovah gives joy’ or ‘Jehovah makes me rejoice.”

Growing up, Jahdiel’s talent and dedication to music were evident to those around her. Her unwavering commitment to her Christian faith also played a pivotal role in shaping her artistry. These early influences and her upbringing set the stage for her remarkable journey as a contemporary Nigerian gospel artist.

As she ventured into the world of professional music, Jahdiel’s commitment to her Christian beliefs remained a cornerstone of her career. Grace Jahdiel Benjamin, previously known as Grace Okoduwa, has gained widespread recognition under her stage name, Jahdiel. Hailing from Nigeria, she is a prominent figure in the world of contemporary gospel music, celebrated for her roles as a singer, songwriter, and gifted vocalist.

Her professional music journey took flight in 2006, marked by the release of her debut album, “Heritage,” in 2008. Within the gospel music sphere, Jahdiel is affiliated with Loveworld Records, an imprint associated with Christ Embassy. Additionally, she finds her artistic home at Hammer House Records, a record label established by her spouse, Eben.

In her words, the song “Heritage” is my very first Video (Heritage) and reminds me when I first started & where I am now

Jahdiel’s Musical Career

Jahdiel’s musical career is a testament to her remarkable talent and unwavering dedication to gospel music. Since stepping onto the professional stage in 2006, she has left an indelible mark in the industry.

With the release of her debut album, “Heritage,” in 2008, Jahdiel captivated audiences with her soulful voice and poignant songwriting. Her music is not just about melodies; it’s a spiritual journey that resonates with the hearts of her listeners.

Having earned her place among several gospel artists associated with Loveworld Records, under the umbrella of Christ Embassy, Jahdiel has played a pivotal role in spreading the gospel through her music. Her affiliation with Hammer House Records, a label owned by her husband, Eben, further underscores her commitment to the gospel genre.

Jahdiel’s musical career is a shining example of how artistry and spirituality can harmoniously coexist, making her a beloved figure in the world of gospel music and an inspiration to many.

Breakthrough Moments;

  • Debut Album “Heritage” (2008): The release of her first album, “Heritage,” marked a significant turning point in Jahdiel’s career. The album garnered widespread acclaim and introduced her to a broader audience, showcasing her exceptional vocal prowess and songwriting skills.
  • Affiliation with Loveworld Records: Joining the roster of gospel artists under Loveworld Records, associated with Christ Embassy, provided Jahdiel with a platform to reach a global audience. Her association with this esteemed label opened doors for her to collaborate with fellow gospel musicians and amplify her message of faith.
  • Signing with Hammer House Records: Inking a deal with Hammer House Records, a record label founded by her husband, Eben, was a pivotal moment in Jahdiel’s career. This affiliation not only showcased her artistry but also highlighted the power of love and collaboration within her family.
  • Chart-Topping Hits: Jahdiel has produced chart-topping gospel hits that have touched the hearts of many. Songs like “Ebube Dike” and “This My Hands” are just a couple of examples of her music’s impact and popularity.
  • Global Performances and Ministry: Her music has taken Jahdiel to various stages around the world, where she has shared her gift and ministry with diverse audiences. Her live performances and ministry have been instrumental in spreading her message and inspiring countless individuals.
  • Spiritual Influence: Jahdiel’s music is not just entertainment but also a spiritual influence. Many listeners have had profound and transformative experiences through her songs, making her an essential figure in the world of gospel music.
Jahdiel Discography
Jahdiel Discography

Jahdiel’s Discography and Hit Songs

Jahdiel has crafted an impressive discography, with a series of hit songs that have established her as a prominent figure in the gospel music industry. Here’s a glimpse of her albums and some of her most memorable hit songs:



  • Heritage (2008): Jahdiel’s debut album, “Heritage,” marked the beginning of her musical journey, setting the stage for her future success in the gospel music scene.
  • Under Oath (2010): This album showcased her growth as an artist and her commitment to delivering spiritually resonant music.
  • Peace (2016): “Peace” was a soul-soothing album that conveyed messages of faith, comfort, and hope through Jahdiel’s powerful vocals.
  • Grace (2019): “Grace” continued to demonstrate Jahdiel’s musical and lyrical prowess, offering a collection of songs that celebrate the divine grace of God.

Hit Songs (Top Songs by Jahdiel)

Note: These songs are experiencing increasing views on a daily basis.

  • This My Hands –  with about 960,000 views on Youtube.
  • My Light – With Over 600,000 Views on Youtube.
  • Jara – With about 110,000 views on Youtube
  • Heritage – With about 100,000 views on Youtube.
  • Ebube Dike – with over 30,000 views on Youtube.
  • Oh How I Love You – With over 12,000 views on Youtube.


  •  Heritage
  • My Light
  • This My Hands
  • Oh How I Love You
  • Jara
  • Faithful
  • Winning
  • Dis My Handz
  • Sweet Holy Spirit
  • Just Like You
  • Under Oath
  • Majesty

⇒ Click Here to Read More Biography of Gospel Music Ministers


  1. Ebube Dike (featuring Eben)
  2. When You Say Yes (featuring Casmel)
  3. Jara Remix (featuring Tru South)

Jahdiel’s Awards and Achievements

Jahdiel has received recognition and accolades for her remarkable contributions to the gospel music industry and her impact on the spiritual lives of her listeners. While specific awards and achievements may vary over time, here are some of the notable awards and accomplishments associated with her career:

  • Multiple Nominations: Jahdiel has earned numerous nominations at prestigious gospel music award ceremonies, reflecting the high regard in which her music is held within the industry.
  • Chart-Topping Songs: Several of her songs have achieved chart-topping status, signifying their popularity and impact within the gospel music genre.
  • Spiritual Impact: One of her most significant achievements is the profound spiritual impact she has had on her audience. Her music has been a source of inspiration, comfort, and solace for countless individuals.
  • Album Sales: Her albums have achieved substantial sales and have been well-received by both fans and critics, contributing to her reputation as a successful gospel artist.
  • International Performances: Jahdiel has had the privilege of performing on international stages, further expanding her reach and influence in the global gospel music community.
  • Collaborations: Collaborations with other renowned gospel artists have highlighted her versatility and ability to connect with diverse audiences.
  • Ministry: Beyond awards and accolades, Jahdiel’s most profound achievement lies in her ministry through music. Her songs have served as a source of spiritual guidance and healing, touching the lives of many.

Jahdiel’s Personal Life/ Family

Jahdiel’s personal life and family are an integral part of her identity, serving as a source of support and inspiration for her musical journey and spiritual ministry.

In her personal life, Jahdiel is married to fellow gospel artist Eben, whose real name is Emmanuel Benjamin. Their union not only represents a harmonious partnership in life but also in music. Eben is a celebrated gospel artist and producer, and together they share a strong bond of faith and artistry. Their marriage has resulted in musical collaborations and shared projects, further cementing their connection as a couple and as artists in the gospel music industry.

Jahdiel and Eben have been open about their love for each other, often expressing their gratitude for their shared journey in both life and music. Their union is a testament to the power of love and faith within their family.

As a couple, they have also played a significant role in raising their family, although specific details about their children are typically kept private to maintain a sense of personal space and privacy.

Overall, Jahdiel’s personal life and family play a central role in her musical and spiritual journey, serving as a source of inspiration and support for her career in the gospel music industry.

Jahdiel’s Philanthropic and Charity Work

Jahdiel has been actively involved in philanthropic and charity work, demonstrating her commitment to giving back to her community and supporting causes that are dear to her heart. Some of her notable philanthropic and charity efforts include:

  • Supporting Orphanages and Underprivileged Children: Jahdiel has shown a deep commitment to improving the lives of orphaned and underprivileged children. She has been involved in various initiatives aimed at providing them with basic needs, education, and opportunities for a brighter future.
  • Humanitarian Relief Efforts: In response to humanitarian crises and disasters, Jahdiel has been involved in efforts to provide relief and support to affected communities. Whether it’s through fundraising, volunteering, or direct contributions, she has made a positive impact during times of crisis.
  • Community Development Programs: Jahdiel has supported community development initiatives, such as providing clean water, healthcare, and educational resources to communities in need. These efforts contribute to the well-being and empowerment of those she seeks to assist.
  • Advocating for Social Causes: Through her music and public platform, Jahdiel has used her voice to advocate for various social causes, including issues related to women’s rights, empowerment, and education.
  • Empowering the Youth: She has been involved in mentoring and empowering young people through mentorship programs, workshops, and motivational speaking engagements.
  • Collaborations with Charitable Organizations: Jahdiel has worked with charitable organizations and NGOs to raise awareness and funds for a range of causes, from health initiatives to educational programs.
  • Spreading Hope Through Music: Jahdiel’s music itself serves as a form of charity, as it provides hope and inspiration to her listeners, often touching the hearts of those in need of encouragement and faith.

Jahdiel’s Legacy and Influence

Jahdiel’s legacy and influence in the gospel music industry and the broader community are profound and enduring. Here are some key aspects of her legacy and the impact she has made:

  • Inspirational Music: Jahdiel’s music has served as a source of inspiration, hope, and spiritual connection for countless individuals. Her lyrics and soulful melodies continue to resonate with listeners, helping them navigate life’s challenges and celebrate its joys.
  • Spiritual Impact: Through her faith-based music and ministry, Jahdiel has touched the lives of many, deepening their faith and fostering a sense of spiritual growth and renewal.
  • Positive Role Model: Jahdiel’s dedication to her Christian faith and family life makes her a positive role model for those who look up to her. Her commitment to maintaining her values while pursuing a successful music career sets a powerful example.
  • Collaborative Efforts: Collaborations with other gospel artists and her husband, Eben, have expanded her influence and reached a broader audience. Her work as a couple in the gospel music industry sets an example of unity and shared purpose.
  • Philanthropy and Charity: Jahdiel’s involvement in charitable and philanthropic endeavors demonstrates her desire to give back and make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate.
  • Global Reach: Her music has touched audiences worldwide, and her international performances have broadened her reach, allowing her to connect with diverse cultures and communities.
  • Empowering the Youth: Jahdiel’s efforts in mentoring and empowering the youth underscore her commitment to nurturing the next generation of talent and leaders.
  • Advocacy for Social Causes: By using her platform to advocate for social causes, Jahdiel contributes to raising awareness and driving positive change in society.

Jahdiel’s Social Media



Twitter X

Jahdiel Networth

Jahdiel is estimated to have a net worth between $1 and $5 Million.

Popular Events – Grace Jahdiel

  • Praise Fiesta
  • Grace Nation 12 Days of Glory
  • JDS – Jesus on Da Street

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Jahdiel In Photos

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